Thursday, June 24, 2010

血肿 (Hematoma)

My little Abbie is suffering Hematoma on her head and the "tower" was appeared in the 2nd day of birth. The Hematoma become bigger and bigger in day 4 and 5. It makes my Pediatrician worried and suggested to let Abbie to perform a blood test to check whether Abbie have any blood problem or not.
I really worried during that time when my Pediatrician told me the size of the Hematoma was increasing. My tears couldn't control and very wooried about Abbie as she was still admiting in the hospital.
Luckily, the blood test result show everthing is ok .The Hematoma also starting to reduce from time to time. In day 35, suddenly i felt that the Hematoma is gone. I don't know how to explain how happy am I.
Abbie, mummy feels so pround of you.. Hope you happy and healthy forever..

什么是血肿 ?(Hematoma)

产妇分娩时,由于子宫收缩和产道挤压,或发生难产,采用了胎头吸引术等,使得胎儿头部皮肤、皮下组织血液循环受阻,或...颅骨骨膜 下小血管破裂出血,以致局部出现充血,水肿、瘀血并形成头颅血肿,这种情况常被人称为“产瘤”。
头皮是颅骨外一层致 密的软组织,由皮肤、皮下组织、帽状腱膜层、腱膜下层和骨膜层组成, 含丰富的血管。头颅受到外力作用后,造成骨膜下小血管破裂出血,血液停留在局部而形成血肿。血肿多见于一侧或双侧头顶骨,不超越颅骨 骨缝。血肿可于新生儿出生后几小时出现,2~3日逐渐隆起, 形成小包,初期小包软而有弹性,软压不凹陷,一般经数周可逐渐吸收,在没有感染的情况下不需要处理,大人不必惊慌失措,但需保持患儿安静,不可按揉血肿,保护局部皮肤不受伤和避免受压,让 患儿向无血肿的一方侧卧。血肿表面如有擦伤,应及时看医生给予局部处理,以防感染。
新生儿头部出现的“产瘤”,仅仅是因为产伤而发生在骨膜与颅骨之 间的出血,并非是颅内出血,也没有殃及脑细胞,因而不会影响 到孩子的智力。

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